February 2021 issue
Thanks to all our readers and contributors for making it possible to publish this issue with its interesting content. I specially thank all our contributors who have sent their submissions on time, which Malathy, the sub-editor, has been doing the sterling job of editing. Things have been changing very fast in the last few months and there is light at the end of the long dark tunnel. In the UK alone, more than fifteen million people have been given the vaccine already. In the rest of the world too vaccination programs have been of great success, despite many hurdles in obtaining the batches of vaccines and giving them to people rapidly. In this context we should all commend and congratulate the medical and scientific community who have been working on the massive vaccine projects tirelessly over the past year and bringing their vaccines to the market at record speed. Even though many people were sceptical about the vaccines for various reasons now we can see that the proportion of people who come forward to take the vaccine is rising and the rate of new infections are rapidly falling. Let’s hope that we will be able to reclaim our normal life soon by patiently waiting for that to happen gradually. As mentioned in the front-page article by our new contributor Anya Sitaram, one thing I would like to emphasise in this context is that these vaccines should reach poorer countries too as soon as possible rather than keeping it as a privilege for the richer countries alone, so the whole world will see the benefit of it and prevent the emergence of ferocious new variants that could infiltrate our lives once again. As many of you have known, it is a real challenge for us to run this magazine without much financial support. Our cost of acquiring and maintaining resources required to run the magazine is steadily increasing, so I would like to appeal to our readers and writers once again to help us by financially supporting us through long term sponsorships. As you may have noticed we are now receiving submissions from many younger generation writers and some of them are the children of our existing writers too. In this issue, you will find articles from Anya Sitaram who is our sub editor Malathy’s daughter and Kavita Mohan who is the daughter of our long-standing contributor Meenakshi Mohan If this trend continues, it is a good sign that we are breaking generation barriers and becoming a magazine that welcomes writers from all generations.
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