May-Aug 2022

by Vijay Anand | May 14, 2022 | 0
This is our summer issue coming as combined May - August issue! Confluence is reaching its 20th year of publication this year. It is indeed a major milestone for a magazine of this kind as many readers would agree. While establishing and running a publication is not an easy task its continuity over a long time is often questionable. It is sometimes considered as a past time hobby by some people. But those who are associated with Confluence as a reader or a writer would certainly recognise the role this little journal is playing within the literary circles of South Asians. Even though this is a time for celebration, it has not been possible to celebrate our success in a big way, for reasons beyond our control. However, we will be publishing a special 20th anniversary issue this year with special features by inviting our writers and well-wishers who have been of immense help during the past years. Any sponsorship towards the publication of this issue will be greatly appreciated. Since our last issue, there have been several new developments in different parts of the world. Russian occupation in Ukraine followed by the western sanctions have caused a major hike in prices of fuel and essential commodities making day to day life for many people in many countries a question mark. The on-going economic and political calamity in Sri Lanka is also a cause for concern as the country’s leadership has proved its ineffectiveness in controlling the situation and reviving the economy. The dramatic uprising of youth and the way the former president was removed from power was unthinkable until recently but certainly has proved a step in the right direction. It is waiting to be seen how the new president and the interim government will bring back normalcy, stability and unity to this great neighbour of India. Despite our previous appeals to send submissions on time we are still experiencing difficulties in receiving enough submissions, in a timely manner causing problems in scheduling our issues. Considering these practical issues we will be making changes to the frequency of publication, in the future. Wishing you all a great summer!