November 2021 issue

by Vijay Anand | Nov 14, 2021 | 0
Even though it comes later than expected, this is truly a feature packed issue coming with rather greater number of articles, poems, stories and reviews and I am sure our readers will take time to read all of them and give their feedback to us. We are delighted to share with our readers the news that South Asian Diaspora Arts Archive (SADAA) has asked to archive all the past volumes of Confluence, particularly those highlighting work by, and contributions from, the first generation of South Asian born artists and practitioners creating work in the UK. SADAA has received National Heritage Lottery Fund funding for its ‘Reunited Project’ which includes the conservation and protection of the Confluence archive as a publication unique in its coverage of, and value to, the UK’s South Asian Diaspora. This means they will collect, collate, catalogue and digitise the Confluence archive. They will also store in accessible, regulated, museum conditions for perpetuity, all copies of Confluence that we release to them. I am sure our diaspora writers will welcome this news. Once again, I would like to mention here about the number of submissions arriving late and our difficulties in screening and editing them and to publish the magazine on time. Since our resources are very limited, we would urge our contributors to send their submissions on time. Please write us back as we always welcome your valuable feedback. We wish all a happy holiday season and a New Year that brings lasting health and peace of mind.